Growth hormone secretagogues are a relatively new type of drug that has been developed in an attempt to help people with growth hormone deficiency. There is still some debate over whether or not these drugs work, but the theory behind them is sound and there is evidence to suggest that they can be ...
READ MORE +During the lockdown period, if you're getting some challenging workouts in, you've probably had to deal with DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness). In this article I will be giving you 5 ways to prevent DOMS which normally is the pain you feel a day or two after a good, solid workout. The soreness ...
READ MORE +Sleep...we all do it, but why is it actually important and how can we make the most of it? During sleep our body gets focusing on repairing all the damaged muscle tissue, which could be from a workout out or just general wear and tear accumulated throughout the day. Sleeping is akin to cleaning the ...
READ MORE +Generation Iron and Generation Iron 2 are two bodybuilding films by The Vladar Company that have proved to be very popular. The third installment in the series was released in winter of 2018. Can a third film lucky prove to be a hit and keep bodybuilding fans entertained? Let’s find out! Cast ...