Greek yogurt
Greek Yogurt: 5 Top Health Benefits You’ll Love!

It’s not surprising that Greek yogurt is a staple in many diets. It’s super-versatile and provides a wide range of nutritional benefits in a relatively compact serving. Greek yogurt differs from regular yogurt in that it is strained whilst natural yogurt isn’t. It is also naturally lower in sugar ...

Top 5 Healthy Snacks!

Snacking can be beneficial to your health; it can help keep your metabolism and blood sugar in check, prevent over-eating at your next meal and fuel your workouts. A nutrient-dense snack of about 200 calories that’s high in fibre and protein and low in added sugar is ideal. Read on for our Top 5 ...

Top 5 Foods to Combat DOMS!

Happy New Year! If you've made any New Year's fitness resolutions, then knowing about this will help...Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (aka ‘DOMS’) comes hand in hand with going to the gym or training your muscles thoroughly. Whilst it’s a good sign you’ve worked hard, it can be a frustrating thing ...

Top 5 Healthy Foods on a Budget!

The scenario is all too familiar, payday has come and gone and you’re starting to fear to look at your bank balance. This, however, doesn’t mean your nutrition must suffer. As a nutritionist, I’m hugely passionate about making healthy eating convenient and budget-friendly. There are so many ways to ...

7 Top Healthy Cocktail Recipes!

Summer is here (there may still be some showers but hey this is England)! What says summer more than sipping on some exotic-tasting refreshing cocktails? If you are conscious about your health but still love booze (guilty!), read on to discover cocktails with a health kick to make you feel a little ...

5 Health Foods That Are Bad For You!

From low sugar to low carb alternatives our supermarkets are full of seemingly healthy products that are supposed to be better for us. However, many of them are actually contributing to the rise of type 2 diabetes, obesity and many other illnesses thanks to their hidden sugar content. Read up on ...

Top 10 Post-Workout Meals

Now we come to our Top 10 Post-Workout Meals. From our previous post you’ll know that having a snack rather than a meal before your workout is ideal. So you probably gather that after your workout you really need to re-fuel your body’s depleted energy stores and have a full on meal!  Aim to have ...

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