We all have day jobs, or we are stay-at-home parents and we just don't have the time to focus on our health. Usually, we do not have the time because we have not made the time or have not realized how important it is to have good health. You must find the motivation to get into the gym and ...
READ MORE +Too often, our thoughts tend to wander elsewhere than where we are, especially when it's time to eat! Mindful eating is becoming more and more popular in the world of food and nutrition due to its multiple benefits. This method helps you to maintain proper eating habits, and, in addition, has been ...
READ MORE +Mornings lay the foundation for the rest of your day. Creating a positive morning routine helps accomplish more with less energy expended. Once done, everything starts falling into place without too much internal bickering of thoughts when your morning is steady. It is also important to be ...
READ MORE +Something a bit different this week, as we at Keep Fit Kingdom are trying out Kundalini yoga. What is this, you ask, and how is it different to ordinary kinds of yoga exercises? Well, Kundalini refers more to inbound meditation and the awakening of your mind rather than merely physical stretches. ...
READ MORE +Ready to hear about another kind of yoga? Of course you are. Yin yoga is based around the concept of yin and yang (the cute symbol on your choker necklace, you know the one) in the sense that this practice involves being stable and unmoving, yet ever-changing and revealing at the same time. Yin ...