Top 5 Health Benefits of Goji Berries!

Goji berries, also known as Wolfberries, are nutritious berries from a woody perennial plant native to Asia. You can find them at standard supermarkets or health food stores and they are comparatively priced to other dried fruits. Goji berries and have been used in Chinese medicine for years and ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of a Vegan Diet!

While many choose veganism for ethical reasons, it's time to acknowledge the major health benefits that come along with following a vegan diet. Read on to discover why plant-based or vegan diets are well worth trying as we go into the Top 5 Health Benefits of a Vegan Diet! 1. A healthy heart ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Tiger Nuts!

Despite what the name may imply, tiger nuts are actually small tubers, not nuts.  They are an ancient 'superfood' and were first recognised as having incredible nutritional and health benefits some 4000 years ago.  Tiger nuts have been used by the ancient Egyptians who recognised their healing ...

Top 5 Benefits of Kefir!

Kefir has been around for a long time but only recently has appeared as the new trendy thing to consume as part of a healthy lifestyle. It is a fermented drink often made from cow or goat’s milk plus it contains yeast and vitamins. There are alternatives out there too like coconut kefir milk in ...

10 Top Health Benefits of Ballet!

With people of all age groups now taking to the floor to learn this classic dance style, it’s becoming an increasingly popular way to stay fit and socialise. Ballet involves learning a variety of steps with French names and incorporating them into a dance routine to music. But it does a lot more ...

8 Top Bench Press Benefits!

The bench press is an iconic favourite for many gym-goers for obvious reasons! But all posturing and bravado aside, what do you actually get out of it? Here is a list of  8 Top Bench Press Benefits! Read on for what you can experience by performing this popular and effective exercise. 1. If you ...

Top 5 Benefits of Dark Chocolate!

If you’re a chocolate fan (I mean, who isn’t?) then swapping your usual fix for the dark version would be one of the better things you do for your health so here we list Top 5 Benefits of Dark Chocolate! Dark chocolate is pretty underrated. They do contain however a heap of health benefits that the ...

10 Deadlift Benefits and Tips

The deadlift is an excellent exercise for strength and muscle gains. Here we look at 10 Benefits and Tips for Deadlifts and why you should incorporate them into your own training! 1) There are many variations of the deadlift which can be used to suit an individual’s goals, build, age, gender, ...

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