Top 5 Traditional Facial Yoga Techniques

Welcome to the world of traditional facial yoga! In this guide, we'll unveil the Top 5 Traditional Facial Yoga Techniques that have been cherished for centuries. These techniques, rooted in tradition, can naturally tone your facial muscles, reduce signs of aging, provide stress relief, improve ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Persimmon!

Persimmons; what are these strange looking orange-tomatoes, well persimmon is the name given to a number of different species of highly similar fruits from the genus, Diospyros. Although the most popular version of this fruit was originally native to China, it has spread around the world over the ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Red Kidney Beans!

True to their name, these popular kidney-shaped beans come in both dried and canned forms. Well known for being a key ingredient in chilli con carne, kidney beans are especially good in simmered dishes, absorbing the flavours of seasonings and the other foods with which they are cooked. One cup of ...

5 Top Anti-aging Secrets!

Beauty is a multi-billion-pound (and dollar) industry, and a big part of this sector is dedicated to anti-aging. However, aging is a multi-level concept, one that encompasses both what you look like on the outside as well as how your body functions on the inside. Therefore, we’ve gone beyond the ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Tamarind!

Tamarind is a sticky, fleshy, pulpy fruit with a sweet and tangy taste that grows within brown pods. It’s been a widely used spice-condiment staple in the South-Asian kitchen for thousands of years. However, the fruit is not only used for culinary purposes, but also for medical ones thanks to its ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Chaga!

Potentially the most powerful member of the fungi kingdom, the chaga mushroom or 'Inonotus obliquus', contains possibly the greatest medicinal properties of all herbs. It's a parasitic but also symbiotic fungus that grows primarily on birch trees in cool climates and has been used for its profound ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Indian Gooseberries!

Indian Gooseberries aka Amla which comes from the Sanskrit word Amlaki which means 'fruit of heaven' or botanically as Phyllanthus emblica, belongs to the Phallancea family. Native to the Indian subcontinent, the Amla tree is thought to cure most diseases and promote longevity. This potent ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Cordyceps!

Cordyceps (caterpillar fungus) is a medicinal mushroom that is a wild fungus and has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for over 5,000 years. There are numerous species of cordyceps, however the most researched and popular is Ophiocordyceps sinensis. It is found at high altitudes of ...

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