Search results for: black tea
Top 5 Vegan Yogurts!

You'd probably never think a yogurt could be vegan, I mean it's such a stereotypically dairy-based thing right? Often, yogurt eaters are interested in dairy cultures for healthy gut bacteria, which the vegan options don't offer. What they do offer though are delicious, light, healthy, ...

Reset (2016)

Set in the heart of Paris, amidst a backdrop of modernistic culture, Reset is a film that explores the complex and challenging journey of Benjamin Millepied, as he hurtles towards his directorial debut for prestigious French institution, l’Opéra National de Paris, ballet. Cast Benjamin ...

5 Top Five-Minute Vegan Meals!

It’s a common misconception that being vegan is a time consuming hassle, so we are going to prove to you just how quick and easy making a vegan meal can be. It’s not just going to be a list of salads either and we won’t fob you off with an elaborate  recipe for beans on toast – although beans on ...

5 Smart Ways To Use Turmeric In Your Meals!

If you're health conscious or a foodie, you've just got to know these 5 Smart Ways To Use Turmeric In Your Meals! if you're into wellbeing, chances are turmeric has been on your radar. Its slightly perfumed and bitter earthy taste is a unique and delicious enhancement to almost any dish. Turmeric's ...

Top 5 Vegan Sweet Treats!

You can still be super unhealthy as a vegan as there are still lots of sugary snacks out there, mass processed stuff. If you’re interested in being a healthy vegan but still like a sweet treat every now and then, why not try some of our favourite recipes? Enter our Top 5 Vegan Sweet Treats! 1) ...

Top 5 Raw Vegan Sauce Recipes!

Raw fruit and vegetables typically have a high nutritional content which is significantly reduced when cooked. This is particularly true for vitamins B and C which are important in maintaining a healthy immune system, keeping up energy levels and preventing disease. Try one of the following Top 5 ...

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