Search results for: top 5
Foam Rolling: 5 Simple & Effective Exercises

A foam roller is a compressed foam cylinder mostly used to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tightness and work through inflammation. Foam rolling is a self-applied exercise that reproduces a deep tissue massage. Using a foam roller before a workout increases flexibility, allowing you to get ...

Bread: 5 Amazing Alternatives!

Bread is one of the oldest man-made foods, and to this day remains an absolute staple found in 99% of UK households. 12 million loaves are sold every day, the majority of which are made from refined wheat-flour. Wheat is considered problematic due to the protein called gluten that it contains, ...

Top 10 Iron-Rich Vegan Foods

Iron is an essential mineral for our health. Its main role is to transport oxygen around the body in the red blood cells. When we eat it, it combines with a protein in the red blood cells called haemoglobin. As we breathe oxygen it is attracted to the iron and combines to the protein to create ...

QUICK Short-Term Gains: 5 Exercises that Deliver!

After many months' of gyms across the world shutting their doors and leaving their weight machines and treadmills alone for a well-deserved rest, the time has come for them to reopen once again! Over 80% of gym members say they are eager to return, and with UK gyms reopening this Saturday, 25th ...

Vegetarian to Vegan: 5 Simple Steps!

The first steps into veganism can be the most daunting and challenging! A vegan diet can have many different advantages and has been said to help many conditions and illnesses. This is why more and more people today are making the transition. So have you had thoughts about changing to a vegan ...

Top 4 Plant-Based Milks for Your Tea & Coffee

According to The Grocer, 82% of Brits will drink at least one cup of tea each day, whilst 46% of coffee drinkers find it difficult to start the day without their morning cup of coffee. But where do plant-based milks fit into all this? The Guardian recently revealed that 25% of Brits are instead now ...

Handstand: 5 Steps to Success for Beginners!

A handstand is just one of those things that looks so cool and everyone would like to be able to do. The truth is that when you first attempt it, it proves harder than it looks! Most people give up before taking time to practice it. I know, because I was one of those people! At the beginning of the ...

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