Search results for: fat
Top 5 Health Benefits of Dried & Canned Lentils

Lentils, like beans and peas, belong to the legume family. These pulses grow in pods and can be bulk bought canned or dried, depending on one’s budget and preference. They come in a variety of colours, each with their own individual characteristics, texture and taste and form the staple of many ...

Corners: Gluten-Free Pop Protein Crisps

For many, snacking is an unavoidable part of modern life, but not all snacks are made equal. PopCorners, (known simply under the brand name "Corners" in the UK) is a New York-based crisp company, has set out to encourage “healthier and happier snacking” with its range of protein-filled, soy-based ...

Plant-Based Milk: 5 Delicious Alternatives to Dairy

The popularity and use of dairy alternatives continues to rise leading to an ever-expanding range of plant-based alternatives from oat and soya to almond and coconut. From supermarkets to coffee shops, it’s never been easier to make the plant-based switch but not all dairy alternatives are equal. ...

Spelt: Top 5 Health Benefits

Spelt is a food that you might not be that familiar with, unless you're a keen foodie or superfood fanatic. But while it might not be the most common household name, it isn’t exactly anything new either - spelt has been around since 5000 BC. Also known as dinkel wheat, or hulled wheat, spelt is ...

Diet: Why You Can’t Stick to it

Do you ever plan to eat healthy and follow a strict diet plan, but then seem to crumble at the sight of a dessert and wine menu? We tend to hold our own willpower accountable if a diet becomes too challenging to stick to, when in fact, it’s only our body trying to survive. I’ve been there - and so ...

Vitamin D: 5 Great Vegetarian Sources

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps your body absorb calcium and maintain adequate concentrations of magnesium and phosphate; three important nutrients for teeth, muscles and bones. It also helps control the exchange of calcium between the bones and the blood. Low levels of the vitamin ...

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