Search results for: xmas
5 Ways to go Meat-Free this Christmas!

It’s that time of year again, when we venture out into the cold with our ‘bags for life’ to stock up with food. Many of you may be partial to a few pigs in blankets at the work Christmas party or a hot dog at your local Christmas market, but cutting out meat can be beneficial for your health; the ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Tempeh!

It might be because I've just gotten back from a short trip to Asia that I'm now, totally into all sorts of soyabean food! Tempeh or Tempe is a traditional soybean-made Indonesian food (probably originated from Java) that has been fermented and pressed into cake form. It's considered to be the only ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Satsumas!

They’re sweet, juicy, a fantastic pick-me-up and refreshing source of multiple nutrients as well as one of the popular fruits on supermarket shelves. You might have asked yourself are cuties satsumas? Well, the mandarins you see in grocery shops called 'cuties' and 'sweeties' are clementines, ...

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