Search results for: diabetes
Top 5 Healthy Christmas Foods!

Christmas, the one time of year where you can truly indulge in festive foods. We’re not suggesting you avoid the mince pies and mulled wine entirely. But if you try to fill up on a few of these nutritious beauties, you’ll keep your Christmas dinner on the virtuous end of the health scale. Read on ...

Top 5 Super Cheap High-Fibre Vegetables!

Want a healthy gut? Increase your fibre! Fibre is something the body needs but never actually digests – in fact, it remains in pretty much the same state as on your plate! Dietary fibre has many health benefits, reducing your risk of heart disease, diabetes and some cancers, helping with weight ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Tamarind!

Tamarind is a sticky, fleshy, pulpy fruit with a sweet and tangy taste that grows within brown pods. It’s been a widely used spice-condiment staple in the South-Asian kitchen for thousands of years. However, the fruit is not only used for culinary purposes, but also for medical ones thanks to its ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Pomegranate!

I’m a big advocate of the Mediterranean diet simply because it’s both nutritious and delicious. Whilst olive oil and tomatoes may spring to mind, pomegranates are also integral to Mediterranean cooking, yet they receive little attention here in the UK. A type of berry, they consist of an inedible ...

Top 5 Benefits of Eating Superfoods!

Today, everyone seems to be focused on eating their way to a healthy life; by now, we're mostly aware of the importance your nutrition has on your body. But with our fast-paced society, it can be difficult to eat a wide variety of food. By including known superfoods in your diet, you can get a more ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Lemongrass!

Lemongrass (also known as Cymbopogon) is a genus herb derived from a tall grass plant native to tropical Asia. Lemongrass is widely used in medicinal forms, as well as being harvested for its culinary purposes. It has a fruity, citrus taste and can be used in food, tea and also ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Bitter Melon!

Bitter melon, bitter gourd, karela, caraille, Momordica charantia; whatever you call this prickly-looking fruit, it’s useful to know about what it can do for you. A native to tropical and subtropical climates, it has been utilised for years as a remedy for a variety of ailments. You can use all ...

Top 8 Health Benefits of Matcha Tea! (Extended)

Matcha tea is certainly among the new wave chiefs when it comes to hot drinks with some folks drifting away from coffee to get their caffeine kick by drinking matcha shots. For some of you who don’t exactly know what matcha tea is, it is a special form of Japanese green tea which has been at ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Milk Thistle Seeds!

Milk thistle seeds are one of nature's most powerful detoxifiers. All parts of the Silybum marianum plant are able to be used, however the seeds are the most medicinally valuable, having been used as a herbal remedy for liver disorders for over 2,000 years. The name 'milk thistle' comes from the ...

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