As if you didn't need it, here are tips of what not to do with a treadmill. Remember, they did this so you don't have to!
READ MORE +Run/Treadmill
Running Injury Free Revolution (RIF REV) - empowering runners worldwide to run injury free, shows how to run without losing your breath.
READ MORE +In this video we show you how to run like an Olympian by teaching you how breath more effectively when running.
READ MORE +Crunch Fitness personal trainer Leo Cort tackles treadmill workouts in a way few people could, with six treadmills!
READ MORE +Most people know how to run, but do most people know how to run like an Olympian?
READ MORE +Looking for inspiration? These are five great treadmill workout tips to flatten your abs!
READ MORE +Turn your treadmill into a full body workout.