Title: Whole Brain Living - The Anatomy of Choice and the Four Characters that Drive Our Life Author: Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, Ph.D Year: May 2021 Publisher: Hay House Review As a Speech and Language Therapist, (SALT) I'm familiar with the treatment of people with strokes when it comes to loss ...
READ MORE +At 37 years-old (in December 1996), neuroanatomist and Harvard Ph.D, Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor's life took a dramatic turn, in her words: “In the course of four hours, I watched my brain completely deteriorate in its ability to process all information. On the morning of the haemorrhage, (stroke) I ...
READ MORE +In the UK around 7.6 million people are afflicted with heart and circulatory diseases, with 450 people dying every day as a consequence of these diseases. Therefore, it is really important to do as much as we can to fight this and prevent countless of preventable deaths while at the same time ...
READ MORE +Evolution has programmed us to be desirous of sweet flavours, however the knowledge of the host of detrimental effects of excessive sugar intake is now part of mainstream consciousness. Such increased awareness has lead to a saturated market of ‘sugar alternatives’, which unfortunately, are ...