Tea (or the great English 'cuppa') has obviously become a staple of our country’s tastes and habits and is here to stay. But if you're not really into it like others are - maybe there’s a use for it that you can get behind! Intrigued? Read on for our 5 Amazing Ways You Can Use Tea! 1. Use it as an ...
READ MORE +The natural flavour of peppermint (or ‘mentha piperita’ in its Latin form) is a combination of spearmint and watermint, and is one of Earth’s oldest herbs, with its dried leaves having been found as far afield as the Egyptian pyramids. You can make your own peppermint tea with fresh mint leaves and ...
READ MORE +Grown in Europe but native to southeastern parts of America, most of us have probably, at some point, been captivated by the beauty of the striking passion flower. However, a lot of people (including me until recently) may not have know about the health-boosting benefits that this plant possesses. ...
READ MORE +Aloe Vera is one of the most popular plants being widely used for its remarkable medicinal properties and variety of health benefits. Being a plant species of the genus Aloe and from the lily family, the green cactus-like plant holds a sticky translucent gel that is used often in skin and beauty ...