People who work in sedentary jobs, often sitting for hours on end at a desk, not only have to put up with hectic, stressful deadlines, but also end up worrying about how their jobs affect their health. Their sedentary jobs are literally increasing the risk of them developing serious diseases such ...
READ MORE +For centuries, magnesium has been used to heal health problems through mineral and mud baths, steam therapy and compresses. Today, transdermal use is becoming VERY popular as magnesium is not absorbed as well by your body when taken orally. Magnesium deficiency is widespread due to lifestyle ...
READ MORE +Edamame beans are young, immature soybeans (also known as 'Glycine max') that are harvested prior to the bean's natural hardening process. These beans have a green colour differing from the soybean's light brown. The bean is believed to have been domesticated from its wild relative, 'Glycine soja', ...
READ MORE +Not just for warding off vampires and giving us (ahem) powerful breath, garlic has been used for generations as a medicine with the first recorded use dating back to the Ancient Egyptians. Fast forward into the 21st century and it's still as popular as ever. Read on to discover the Top 5 Health ...
READ MORE +The fruit of the ficus tree, part of the mulberry (or moraceae) family, figs have a an amazing reputation when it comes to keeping you healthy. When cut open, the sweet, soft and chewy fruit has a delicious red flesh and edible seeds. Figs come in many colours, textures, shapes and sizes and are ...
READ MORE +OK, so they might just look like bits of grass, however they are actually superfoods with a high nutritional value and have various benefits and uses. Curious to know why? Then read on to discover the Top 5 Health Benefits of Watercress! 1. Bone health: Watercress has a high calcium content ...