Bye Bye Candida, Hello Abs!

Title: Bye Bye Candida, Hello Abs!  How to Beat the Yeast in Just 12 Weeks! Author: Elle Energy Year: 2017 Publisher: Bybliotech Synopsis: Guide to beating the Candida yeast parasite with a focused diet. Review: This book is the ultimate vindication for anyone who has felt sure that ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Pecan Nuts!

Grown on lush, green trees in the south eastern and south central regions of America and Mexico pecans have an impressive nutrition content. This small nut is filled with 11 essential vitamins and minerals and healthy fats, which are important for optimum health. Read on below for our Top 5 Health ...

4 Reasons Why Women Should Lift Weights!

“Lifting weights will make me manly!”...yawn...A phrase I have heard one too many times before. This is a common misconception held by many young girls and women, typically those who spend hours in the gym, running on treadmills day in, day out, desperately trying to change the shape of their body. ...

Top 5 Keys To Reading Food Labels Like a Pro!

It’s 5:30pm, time for a quick supermarket sweep after a long day at the office. Hazily scanning the back of a cereal box trying to piece together the jigsaw of tiny words and numbers, is this the healthiest option or should I keep looking?...Ugh you know what I’m tired, who has time for all this ...

Carbohydrates the new dietary evil?

For a long time, dietary fat was deemed the enemy but in recent times it has become apparent that cutting down on fat has done very little for solving the obesity epidemic. This has led to people looking more closely at the role dietary fat plays in worsening our health and recently in 2010, a new ...

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