Weird & Wonderful Herbs: Salvia Divinorum

Salvia Divinorum is commonly known nowadays as the 'herb of Virgin Mary' or 'Diviner’s Sage' and has been used for centuries by the Mexican Mazatec Indians of Oaxaca for healing as well as divination. From the mint family, it has also long been known to present a doorway to a visionary path of ...

How to Stay Right on Track

You Cannot Hit a Target if You are not Aiming Directly at it By this I mean that any weight loss or health goal will become much, much harder and fruitless if you don’t even have a target – therefore the first rule is, you must decide what that target is to be. Choose exactly what you want in your ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Basil!

Did you know that there are around 60 different types of basil? Also known as 'Tulsi' or 'holy basil', it's a very fragrant plant, used as a seasoning herb for numerous dishes as well as being widely known as the main ingredient for pesto sauce. Basil leaves are used to improve the flavour of ...

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