comfort food
Pizza: A Healthy, Homemade, 3-Step Beginner’s Guide

Takeaway pizzas, with their high saturated fat, salt and calorie content, have scared fitness enthusiasts away from the lightly-floured, decadent and doughy plains of the pizza. But, there’s no reason why people pursuing a nutritious diet should shy away from the ultimate comfort food. Want to have ...

Top 5 Healthy Coffee Shop Options!

Eating healthily at home is relatively easy, right? However, hectic schedules mean it’s commonplace to grab something from the nearest coffee shop for breakfast or lunch, because, well, it's convenient! Knowing which options are healthy can be a bit of a minefield, so we’ve taken the hassle out it ...

Top 5 Healthy Porridge Recipes!

Winter is looming, this can only mean one thing; comfort food! Whilst comfort food tends to be associated with poor food choices, this doesn’t have to be the case. Porridge, for example, is filling, warming and highly nutritious. Not only that, it’s inexpensive, convenient and free from complicated ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Butternut Squash!

October, my favourite month. It’s a chance to indulge your inner child by crunching through fallen leaves on your walk to work and carving pumpkins for Halloween (interesting we have a particularly orangey sky in the UK today) somewhat of a tradition in my household. Now is also the time when I ...

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