Top 5 Health Benefits of Monk Fruit!

Monk fruit or luo han guo (Siraitia grosvenorii) is a small green melon native to Southern China and Northern Thailand. It was apparently used by 13th-century Chinese monks in the area of Guangxi, China. It has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for treating respiratory irritations. It ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Brussels Sprouts!

Despite their endless benefits for your body, brussels sprouts still don't seem to get enough recognition and attention. They are most popular in winter: roasted brussels sprouts are often considered a side dish that may have stolen the show at your Christmas dinner. But why not eat them in other ...

5 Top Anti-aging Secrets!

Beauty is a multi-billion-pound (and dollar) industry, and a big part of this sector is dedicated to anti-aging. However, aging is a multi-level concept, one that encompasses both what you look like on the outside as well as how your body functions on the inside. Therefore, we’ve gone beyond the ...

Top 5 Super Cheap High-Fibre Vegetables!

Want a healthy gut? Increase your fibre! Fibre is something the body needs but never actually digests – in fact, it remains in pretty much the same state as on your plate! Dietary fibre has many health benefits, reducing your risk of heart disease, diabetes and some cancers, helping with weight ...

Swiss Harmony – Electrosmog Products

As the use of technology becomes more prevalent, there is a continuous increase in the level of invisible electromagnetic radiation within the air that has been emitted and caused by the signals from wireless devices such as mobile phones as well as electrical mains for example. Like any type of ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Reishi!

Another of the major league medicinal mushrooms, reishi or 'Ganoderma lucidum', is native to several regions across Asia, such as Korea, China and Japan and can currently be found growing on hardwood trees worldwide in tropical and subtropical climates. "Reishi" is the Japanese word for this ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Neem!

The neem tree is originally grown in India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives and it’s been part of traditional remedies for around 5000 years. Also known as Azadirachta Indica or Mimba, it’s widely used in Ayurvedic (or ancient traditional Indian) medicine. Not only are the ...

Top 5 Ways to Increase Your Lung Capacity!

Lung capacity is the maximum amount of oxygen your body is able to use and research indicates that this is the best predictor of overall health and longevity. Improving your lung capacity can greatly reduce the risk of serious health problems such as cancer, heart attacks and strokes and also ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Custard Apple!

Custard apple is a tropical fruit, originally native to South America, however Australia has become one of its largest producers nowadays. There are 2 main types, Pinks Mammoth and African Pride that can easily be found around the world, both have a light green colour when ripe and easily ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Quinoa!

Commonly believed to be a grain and prepared and eaten like one, quinoa or 'Chenopodium quinoa', is in fact a seed botanically speaking and is a relative of spinach and chard. The plant is indigenous to South America, originating in the mountainous area surrounding Lake Titicaca in Peru and Bolivia ...

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