4 Reasons Why Women Should Lift Weights!

“Lifting weights will make me manly!”...yawn...A phrase I have heard one too many times before. This is a common misconception held by many young girls and women, typically those who spend hours in the gym, running on treadmills day in, day out, desperately trying to change the shape of their body. ...

5 Reasons Why Your Weight Loss has Stopped!

You’ve been losing weight and feeling great about yourself. The pounds have been dropping off and all of a sudden you don’t see any more change in your appearance for weeks or even months! It’s such a daunting feeling when the scales don’t move anymore and you feel like you’re stuck in a rut. Don’t ...

Why Women Should Lift!

In this article, Why Women Should Lift, we make it easy to understand why women need never fear lifting weights ever again! Many women take regularly to the gym with the goal of losing weight or more specifically, losing fat. On a mission to reach their goals, some spend hours repetitively ...

Fats: Are They Really The Enemy?

Let's take a closer look at this, Fats: are they really the enemy? What many don’t realise is that not all fats are created equal! Here, we'll discuss the different types of fat and why several are actually good for you. Then we'll be closely following up this article with top 5 foods that contain ...

Carb Backloading: Does it really work?

Is carb backloading the new wonder dieting technique to getting that physique you’ve always dreamed of, read on to find out more about it. There are also couple of neat, thought provoking videos, so check them out too! Carb backloading is unlike many diets people use to get lean as it promotes ...

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