Charles Bukowski said, “We don’t even ask for happiness, just a little less pain” and it is true; life can be hard sometimes, we all have demons to fight, and we can all feel overwhelmed; so, stop making your life even harder! In this article we'll talk about five tips in Addiction Freedom: 5 Ways ...
READ MORE +Recovering from alcoholism requires a lot of effort, time, and a firm will to stick with it. You'll also need a lot of help. When you decide to enter a professional alcohol and drug treatment program, you will begin your journey through the four distinct stages of rehabilitation recovery. The time ...
READ MORE +Mental health is something we hear about from our colleagues, and something we see in the media. The role mental health plays in our daily lives is that it allows us to have energy, a happy mood, and the motivation to be active. You may have been wondering how your mental health level is ...
READ MORE +Choosing a rehab program is a life-altering decision. Fortunately, thousands of qualified treatment facilities can help end your struggle with addiction. When it comes to looking for the right rehab center you have to ask some critical questions before deciding. Follow on for Addiction Freedom: ...
READ MORE +You’ve seen it all. People changing by dropping half their body weight in a matter of months. People being declared free of health problems when they've been riddled with them for years. People changing, becoming healthy and happy. But why can’t it be you? At least that’s what you ask yourself in ...