Sadhguru (Jagadish Vasudev) is an Indian guru and spiritual leader. He is a yoga teacher in India, an author of several books, and a speaker at international forums. He established the Isha Foundation which carries out educational services at the yoga center.
In 2017 he received the Padma Vibhushan, which is India’s second-highest civilian award, for his contributions to social welfare. On a pragmatic level, he speaks a lot about human emotions and how to control them. Follow along for Sadhguru: Top 4 Lessons We Can Learn from Him!
1. It Comes From Within You
Sadguru states that the most important lesson on emotions is that human experience comes from within you. Experiences like love, hate, sadness, happiness must come from you and not from others. All of these emotions must happen on your terms, you decide if you are feeling happy today or if you love someone.
If someone else controls these parts of your life he believes it’s the worst type of slavery. You will have no control over yourself and your thoughts, which is the worst thing you can possibly do and will make you live your worst life possible.
Don’t let anyone else be in charge of if you are going to have a good or bad day, or your feelings for someone. This needs to be all up to you every day.
2. Empty Your Mind
When you go for a walk around your neighborhood what are you thinking about? You should be thinking about walking and that’s it. But, most people, myself included, think about anything and everything while walking.
You think about what you will cook for dinner, or the last interaction you had with your boyfriend, or your life goals etc. Sadhguru explains we need to stop having our minds full all the time and enjoy the emptiness.
You don’t need to figure out your entire life on this walk. The next time you go on a walk, try to not think about anything but walking itself. Take in all of your surroundings and actually clear your mind. It will make you think better and have a better day emotionally.
3. Letting Go of Anger
Sadhguru explains that we create anger and other emotions in our minds and it is up to us to not create them. Life is not fair to anyone, so we can’t blame it on that anymore. If you are comfortable all the time that means you are living a stagnant life. If you are in uncomfortable situations that means you are growing. Life is all about continuously growing until the day you die.
It’s up to ourselves to write the life we want. If we let anger be our deciding factor to take action that means we need something that causes agitation in order to act. There is not enough love in our hearts to stimulate us into action. You need to be able to react, learn, and grow when everything is right in the world and not only when something goes wrong.
4. Become More Spiritual
This topic seems to be coming up a lot recently with many different people, explaining the benefits of becoming spiritual. Sadhguru is definitely among those who explain the benefits. He explains how being healthy, balanced, and joyful are normal traits of a human, not having psychological problems. Most people these days are on some sort of anxiety or depression medication or are suffering and we think it’s normal.
He says it is actually far from it and this is a problem we need to go back and fix at our very core. One way is becoming more spiritual and becoming one with the world around you. Sadhguru explains how people always say “He is spiritual, he’s so wonderful” when in reality spirituality is the normal human being while others, who are non spiritual, are still evolving.
Everyone needs to be able to feel and think about what they want and spirituality is the way to do that.
Sadhguru has been teaching and speaking all over the world for over 25 years. He has even been named among the top 50 Most Influential People in India.
The recurring theme of his teachings is finding your actual identity. You must be intentional about taking care of yourself and that you’re in charge of your own life. With these small changes, you will find meaning in your life and start to actually live. To learn more about Sadhguru you can watch his videos on YouTube or purchase his book: Inner Engineering: A Yogi’s Guide to Joy.
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