Search results for: cycling
5 Top Fitness Classes!

Have you stopped seeing results in the gym, or find that you’re getting bored of the same old workout routine a PT handed you 2 years ago? Then you should probably think about giving one of these Top 5 fitness classes a go, guaranteed to keep you motivated and burn a ton of calories at the same ...

5 Top Tips to Optimize Your Training Diet!

The three pillars of sport nutrition are to: a) maximise performance when it matters, b) maximise recovery and c) how to enhance physiological adaptations induced by exercise training. 5 Top Tips to Optimize Your Training Diet! will help build the foundations for any successful training program ...

8 Top Fat Burning Keys!

There are strategies that can enhance the body’s ability to burn fat. They should be carefully experimented with. Read on and we'll give you 8 top fat burning keys, nutritional strategies that have all demonstrated an influence on oxidation (fat burning). There are two terms that are used to ...

Top 6 Ways to Combat Jet Lag

No matter what the level of your training be it professional, recreational or simply to keep fit, you may notice that you train better or worse at different times of the day. If you compete at a serious level, long distance travelling to training or competitions can sometimes prove to be an extra ...

Rio 2016 movers and shakers!

Rio is only a few months’ away from playing host to the next Olympic games. Popular sprinting phenomenon, Usain Bolt, is expected to be the star of the show and the star attraction again as this is likely to be his last Olympics, but will age and wear and tear finally catch up to arguably the ...

Choosing Quality Exercise Equipment

It seems like almost every time you turn on the TV these days, there is an advert for some kind of gym, health club membership or exercise equipment. The latest and greatest treadmill or best all in one machines are advertised frequently. And why not? The simple fact is that people 'love' being ...

About Us

Keep Fit Kingdom's Mission: To Help a Billion People Reach 100 Years, Happily & Healthily by Year 2100. Support our B2100 Programme! To do this, we need to inspire people, raise awareness, teach, educate commit to proper nutrition and exercise, breathing, posture and mindset. We believe ...

Keep Fit Kingdom