Search results for: superfood
Top 5 Health Benefits of Lotus Seeds

Lotus seeds or lotus nuts come from the Nelumbo nucifera, a herbaceous perennial species of plant. They are also known as 'makhana' in India. Lotus flowers, roots and seeds have been held in high regard in the cultures of India, China and Japan for centuries. Its seeds are used in Asian cuisine and ...

3 Delicious Chia Recipes

As a foodie and health nerd, you tend to fall in love with products that you can use for multiple things – like chia seeds for example. With chia seeds, the possibilities are endless. Not only are they useful for cooking, they also boast the most impressive CV at “The company of superfoods” with ...

Top 5 Benefits of Bladderwrack and Sea Moss

There are several superfoods that originate from the sea, but two of them stand out as particularly interesting for thyroid function, Bladderwrack and Sea moss. They also have many other benefits. Bladderwrack is used in cooking in Japan, and as a flavouring in European cuisine. Sea moss, also ...

Baru Seeds: Top 5 Health Benefits

Baru (or Dipteryx alata) is a species of the Fabaceae legume family. The tree is referred to as the “Baruzeiro” (in Portuguese) and its produce “castanha de baru” (literally baru nut) or “amêndoa de baru” (baru almond). We find the Baru tree in the Cerrado savanna, an area in midwest Brazil (the ...

Buddha Teas – Organic Herbal Teas

"Teas should do more than quench your thirst", is the bold philosophy of Buddha Teas, aiming that every sip provides you with the very best nature has to offer. Buddha Teas contain fresh organic herbs and tea leaves that bring you healthful properties to enrich your life, as well as making sure the ...

Top 5 Foods To Eat As You Age!

As we age, our basal metabolic rate (BMR) decreases meaning that we should generally need fewer calories as we get older according to the British Diabetic Association. The amount of fat, carbohydrates and fibre we consume should follow the following recommendations; Fat: 50g, saturated fat: 20g, ...

Top 5 Benefits of Drinking Bamboo Water!

Bamboo water. What comes to mind when you read that? Do you like subtle yet nutrient-filled coconut water or birch sap? Then this water might for you! As you may already know, bamboo is amongst the fastest growing plants on the planet, with certain varieties growing up to a metre in a 24-hour ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Mulberries!

Mulberries are now identified as being a 'superfood'. They are small sweet fruits, which grow from the Morus Alba Tree. Mulberries come in different colours such as; red, black, white and blue and are grown in warm regions such as Asia, Africa and America. They're are packed with nutrients which ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Lucuma!

Lucuma (pronounced ‘Loo-Koo-Ma’) is a superfruit grown in Peru, Ecuador and Chile. It has been eaten throughout South America since about 200AD. It's usually found in powder form and has a sweet taste which makes it perfect to be added to smoothies or other food. Referred to as the ‘Gold of the ...

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