Search results for: diabetes
5 Easy Ways To Increase Your Fibre!

A healthy balanced diet consists of various different food groups. Increasing our intake of fibre offers many benefits and plays a key role in optimising our health, however many of us struggle to meet recommended intakes. Dietary fibre boasts properties which help to reduce cholesterol, providing ...

Top 5 Hidden Health Benefits of Coffee!

Is drinking coffee good or bad for you? This question has been circling around the world for ages. In the UK we drink around 70 million cups of coffee every day and it is the second most traded commodity in the world, after oil. In recent decades, scientists have studied the positive effects of ...

5 Smart Ways To Use Turmeric In Your Meals!

If you're health conscious or a foodie, you've just got to know these 5 Smart Ways To Use Turmeric In Your Meals! if you're into wellbeing, chances are turmeric has been on your radar. Its slightly perfumed and bitter earthy taste is a unique and delicious enhancement to almost any dish. Turmeric's ...

Top 5 Benefits of Moringa!

Moringa is the latest up and coming natural supplement that is sourced from the Drumstick tree (often nicknamed the horseradish tree). This tree grows mainly in India (in the ancient Ayurveda tradition of healthcare it says that the moringa plant offers remedies for 300 different conditions) and ...

5 Top Reasons To Quit Refined Sugar!

Sugar. It’s in everything. Most people are addicted without realising it and its addictive effect on the brain has been scientifically proven to be more powerful than cocaine and let’s face it…being addicted to anything isn’t good, especially when you’re not aware that you are. To avoid sugar ...

5 Top Keys to Choosing A Personal Trainer!

Are you thinking of choosing a Personal Trainer? Not a straightforward task in this multi-billion pound unregulated industry. How do you differentiate the good from the bad, the sufficiently qualified from the inadequate to find the trainer that is right for you? Read on for our 5 Top Keys to ...

5 Top Foods to Ensure Healthy Feet!

Generally when discussing the benefits of optimum nutrition; improvements to cardiovascular health, sports performance or inches off the waistline are often highlighted. However, did you ever think how adopting these changes can also improve the health of your feet? Well read on for our 5 Top Foods ...

The Body Bible

Title: The Body Bible - Feel Fit and Fabulous from the Inside Out Author: Alice Liveing aka Clean Eating Alice Year: 2016 Publisher: Harper Collins Synopsis: Clean Eating Alice has over 275k followers on Instagram thanks to her healthy meals and easy to follow workout plans. “The Body ...

5 Health Foods That Are Bad For You!

From low sugar to low carb alternatives our supermarkets are full of seemingly healthy products that are supposed to be better for us. However, many of them are actually contributing to the rise of type 2 diabetes, obesity and many other illnesses thanks to their hidden sugar content. Read up on ...

Why Omega-3’s Are Good For You!

You've probably heard about these at some point over the last few years and the basic idea is that the human body requires essential fatty acids for maintaining good health. It can make most types of fats with the exception of Omega-3 fatty acids. Since the body doesn't make them you must get them ...

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