Search results for: diabetes
Top 5 Health Benefits of Oolong Tea!

Oolong (in Chinese: 烏龍) tea originally came from the Chinese name (烏龍茶) which means "black dragon tea" and is a traditional Chinese tea (from the Camellia sinensis species of evergreen shrub). It is obtained from this same plant used to make green tea and black tea but is processed differently. It ...

Microbiome: Root of all Chronic Disease?

You may have heard a lot about the microbiome and gut health in recent research and in the newspapers. Headlines such as ‘Gut bacteria boosts cancer therapy’, ‘The human microbiome: why our microbes could be key to our health’ and ‘Is your gut making you sick?’ may have caught your eye and you may ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Microgreens!

Microgreens are seedlings of vegetables and herbs that have been harvested less than 14 days after they germinate. This means they are usually very small and come in a whole array of colours and tastes. These qualities have meant that they have become popular with chefs as garnishes. Given how ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Rooibos Tea!

Rooibos tea, (pronounced "ROY-boss") has gained global popularity in recent years. You’ve likely seen it on your local grocery store’s shelves marked as Red Bush tea, which is what its original Afrikaans name translates to. The rooibos bush is indigenous to South Africa’s fynbos family and is ...

The Perfect Physique (2015)

Modern bodybuilding physiques have become a bit too extreme for most people’s taste. Kandice King’s film “The Perfect Physique” suggests, "To acquire the best physiques in the world takes relentless desire, fierce drive and unwavering discipline. The struggle is real". It looks into the world of ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Yacon!

What is Yacon or Smallanthus sonchifolius? It's a sweet tuberous root originally from Northern and Central Andes, primarily Colombia and Argentina. It is now also grown in Italy, Vietnam and New Zealand. Due to the presence of inulin, it has a sweet apple taste as well as texture. Being a tuber, it ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Shiitake Mushrooms!

The most well-known of all the oriental mushrooms, the shiitake mushroom not only tastes good, but also has a number of potencies. Its name comes from the Japanese words ‘shii’, which refers to the tree it grows on, and ‘také’, which simply means mushroom. Now you know a little bit more about these ...

5 Top Health Benefits of Stevia!

Stevia, what is it and why does it sound like the female version of Steven? Well I can only answer one of those questions. It's a sweetener and sugar substitute native to south America, extracted from the leaf of plant species Stevia rebaudiana. A lot of us love the sweet, sweet taste of sugar and ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Ashwagandha!

Ashwagandha (Sanskrit: ashwa = horse + gandha = smell, aka Indian Ginseng) actually classed as an ‘Ayurvedic herb’ and is commonly used as a supplement for all kinds of problems including anxiety and ADHD. Whilst it has commonly been used to help treat a number of conditions over the years, ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Brown Rice!

Brown rice, may not seem as huge a popular favourite as it should be; not because it lacks taste by any means but rather because of the extra time it takes to boil. However, the pros do outweigh the cons. So read on for these Top 5 Health Benefits of Brown Rice and learn why you should add it to ...

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