User Posts: Myan Thomas
FODMAP Foods Could Be Causing Your Bloating, Cramps & IBS Issues

Have you ever suffered from bouts of stomach cramping and bloating but never understood where it comes from or why it’s happening? Well the answer could lie ...

5 Quick, Five-Minute Workouts that will Boost Your Energy, FAST!

When you feel like your energy is depleted and you need a bit of a spark to ignite your system, exercising isn’t probably on top of your list of things to do. ...

Running Mistakes: 7 Errors Made by Beginners Which You Can Avoid!

Running is great way to keep fit, giving your body an effective cardiovascular workout. However, this activity can expose your body to very high impact forces ...

Skipping for Fitness and Weight Loss: 5 Reasons Why You Should Try it!

The last time you used a jump rope was probably when you were a kid in the school playground and you might not have touched one since. (Perhaps you got close ...

Smart Watch: 5 Reasons Why You Should Invest in One

Wearable technology has come on leaps and bounds over the last few years and its popularity continues to grow. The need for activity tracking has surged over ...

The Spider Method: 8 Exercise Angles to Really Impact Your Core!

The ‘core’ is an important group of muscles at the centre of your body (imagine a box surrounding the middle of your body). The specific muscles that make up ...

Running Prehab: Why It’s Important and 5 Example Exercises

Running is a great way to keep fit and it's one of the most popular forms of exercise globally. However, at least 50% of regular runners will face the problem ...

Foam Rolling: Top 5 Reasons Why You Must Get One and Use It!

Foam rolling is a widely used therapeutic technique used by a variety of individuals, from the likes of recreational exercisers all the way to professional ...

Osteoporosis: 4 Risk Factors You MUST Act On, NOW!

Osteoporosis is the 'silent thief' bone disease which severely affects the structure and integrity of the bones. In the UK it affects over 3 million people, ...

Netflix ‘N’ Fill: The Danger of Lazy Lounging in Lockdown!

In efforts to battle the spread of COVID-19, millions of us have been confined to the comfort of our own homes for the best part of a year now. As a result, we ...

Browsing All Comments By: Myan Thomas
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