Biona Organic – Raw Virgin Coconut Oil

Biona Organic’s motto is about ‘great tasting, thoughtfully prepared food to complement an ethical lifestyle’. With a range of great vegetarian products, their emphasis is on quality and traceability. Their Raw Virgin Coconut Oil with its smooth, subtle coconut flavour was a winner at the 2015 Great Taste Awards and has gathered a mass of positive online reviews. FOMO no more, we thought we’d put Biona Organic – Raw Virgin Coconut Oil to the test for ourselves and have spread, cooked and blended away to check out just how this little jar of goodness has earned its ribbons. 

Ingredients: 100% virgin, cold pressed, unrefined coconut oil that is also certified organic.

Nutrition: Biona’s coconut oil is cold-pressed and therefore free from any nasty refining, bleaching or deodorizing chemicals. It’s dairy free, vegan friendly and free from trans-fatty acids.

Taste: For those who don’t like the coconutty taste of other oils, this one is very smooth and has only a subtle aroma. (For those looking for a version even more devoid of the exotic, Biona has a sister product – the Mild Coconut Oil Cuisine – which has been steamed to make it odorless).

I personally find that in baking, on toast, or in porridge this number adds just that little something extra – without overpowering any other flavors. It makes a particularly good addition to smooth healthy fudge recipes and as a dressing for salads.

Extra benefits: Now I know oil pulling might seem like a gross idea for some -perhaps far too hippy on the health-trend spectrum – but in an attempt to be in the know I’ve given it swirl, literally. The results for this oil I have to say are surprisingly good. As it is renown for it’s subtler flavor, it is actually quite pleasant to use for this. I gargled a heaped teaspoon for around 10 mins before brushing and instantly saw results.

I also found it very effective as a moisturizer and easily absorbed into my skin without leaving it too oily or making me smell like I was desperately clinging onto my long gone summer holidays!

Value: Organic certification is a rigid standard to adhere to and reflects in the price for this oil. Though there is little research confirming whether it really makes a big difference in the coconut market, in practice it’s a quality oil and I feel worth the slight extra cost. You know that you are paying for a good, ethical brand and we’re confident in its quality and taste.

Summary: Versatile, softly fragrant with a full bodied taste. Buy and try with confidence!

Product Rating: 8.5/10

If you’d like to find out more about this coconut oil and other good quality health food options from the growing, creative range available at Biona, we think you’ll love checking out the products on their website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages!

Erica De La Harpe

Erica is a lawyer turned health and fitness enthusiast! She lives a diet and fad- free life while emphasizing the virtues of exercise and healthy eating to eliminate stress. She enjoys exploring different ways of cooking to achieve nutritious meals that are easy to make and appealing for the whole family. An avid outdoor explorer, Erica enjoys hiking, surfing, field hockey, Krav Maga and reformer pilates. Having left Australia 10 years ago, Erica has travelled the globe and now lives in London while she creates her practical guide to achieving a healthy and happy life!

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