It has been proven that a healthier diet will include less refined wheat or refined white bread. Many healthy diets will mention either whole wheat or whole grain as a replacement in any baked goods. If you're curious about these two, read on for Whole Wheat vs. Whole Grain: Which is Healthier? ...
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Did you know that millet is known as the "queen of groats" (ie. shelled kernels of several cereal grains like barley, rye, wheat, oats etc)? For me it has always been a comfort food, my grandma used to prepare it for me for breakfast with some milk, nuts and honey. I remember how she soaked the dry ...
READ MORE +On a plant-based diet, it can be difficult to figure out how to get protein in your meals that taste great and complement your veggies.Thankfully, there's a wealth of choice out there to tantalise the taste buds of long-time herbivores, recent converts and staunch meat-eating friends alike -making ...