Making sure you’re eating enough protein can seem like a difficult task. You might start by adding more meat into your diet, but you might feel that there’s only so much meat you can eat before you’re simply done trying to increase the amount of protein you eat. But don’t give up just yet. Whether ...
READ MORE +Since vegan diets are associated with lower protein intakes, it might be a good idea to incorporate a protein powder into your daily eating routine. But, with so many different brands out there to choose from, it can be hard to decide which one is right for you. If you're finding yourself in this ...
READ MORE +Switching to a vegan diet can, of course, be great for your health. It gives you the chance to get more of your nutrients from plant-based options like whole-grains, nuts, seeds, beans, legumes, fruits and vegetables which are loaded with vitamins, minerals and fibre. However, going vegan may also ...
READ MORE +Title: Vegan Bodybuilding and Fitness Author: Robert Cheeke Year: 2010 Publisher: Healthy Living Publications Synopsis: Information and advice is given on how to succeed in bodybuilding on a plant-based diet. Review: In all my 27 years of training in strength and bodybuilding, I have ...