These two different soy-based vegan speciality products both probably sound alien to meat-eaters. However, both are becoming increasingly common sources of plant-based protein and are widely found in most major supermarkets and grocery stores. Read on below to find out what you need to know about ...
READ MORE +Beans or the legume family comprise of beans, peas and lentils, which are considered to be some of the most versatile and nutritious foods available. They are typically low in fat, and high in minerals like potassium, iron and magnesium. They are also a rich source of fibre and help to increase ...
READ MORE +Natto is a Japanese speciality made of fermented soybeans. Legend says that it was discovered a thousand years ago (around 1051 AD) and was studied for the first time in 1894 by Dr. Kikuji Yabe (at the University of Tokyo) referring to it as "vegetable cheese". In 1980 the nattokinase enzyme, a ...
READ MORE +Miso (みそ or 味噌) is a traditional Japanese and Chinese fermented ingredient that has been used for centuries. Its paste is made by fermenting soybeans with koji (fungus) and salt (sometimes other ingredients like rice, millet and barley may be added). There are many different types of Miso mainly ...
READ MORE +We all know that balanced nutrition is the way forward when aiming to optimize your energy levels, boosting performance and achieving your goals, so when we create our ‘perfect meal’ (specific to each person based on their needs), not only should it be bursting with flavour and nutrients but also ...