Carries are our next sandbag training article in the series - a "bang for your buck" exercise which is incredibly simple and effective. The sandbag carry works a whole range of muscles in your body and takes very little time to learn. This exercise is common in strongman competitions and it's a ...
READ MORE +Our next sandbag training article in the series revolves around the Overhead Press. Whether it's been on a Smith machine, with a barbell, or with kettlebells, just about everyone who trains has done some form of overhead pressing. Unarguably, the overhead press is a first-class compound exercise ...
READ MORE +All squat workouts have their value. Whether it's heavy barbell squatting, squatting with kettlebells doing goblet squats, squats with medicine balls or simply bodyweight squats. Each lifting exercise hits your muscles in different ways, and the same goes for the bear hug squat, which indirectly ...
READ MORE +Most strength coaches live and die by the barbell and with good reason. While I’m not suggesting that sandbags are an adequate replacement for the barbell, they may just be one of the best kept secrets in the fitness industry. Occasionally it is important to throw a spanner in the works and mix ...