Title: Marcus Aurelius - Meditations Author: Marcus Aurelius Year: 2006 Publisher: Penguin Books Ltd "If you want to gain control of pain, open up this blessed book and enter deep within it. Its wealth of philosophy will bring you to see with ease all the future, the present, and the past, ...
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All these classic idioms and archaic sayings must have some resonance, somehow, right? They’ve been around for years, passed down for generations – assuredly for a reason. Not to be taken literally of course, we would do well to interpret the real meaning behind these idiomatic phrases and what is ...
READ MORE +There are many things that inspire us to be the best version of ourselves, to move past limits, break down barriers, act toward our goals and strive to be what we always believed and imagined we could someday be. The athletes of our time remind us resoundingly of that spark within, that sense of ...