“To shine your brightest light is to be who you truly are.” ― Roy T. Bennett. Have you ever felt demotivated? Like you do not have the energy to do your daily routine? Do you feel you need a change and to aim at your full potential? If that's the case, you're in the right place! In this article, ...
READ MORE +CHRIS HEMSWORTH as THOR is pretty LIMITLESS, but would you dare to explore YOUR SUPERHERO POTENTIAL and defeat aging? Our lucky Keep Fit Kingdom intern, NATALIA BEDNARZ meets the MCU legend at the NYC premiere of the 6-episode NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC documentary OUT NOW via Disney Plus! (Rating: ...
READ MORE +At the age of 19, Evan Carmichael built and then sold a biotech software company. At 22, he was a venture capitalist raising $500K to $15M. He now runs a YouTube channel for entrepreneurs with over 3 million subscribers and 500 million views, has written 4 books, and speaks globally. He wants ...
READ MORE +Pushing yourself can feel like a mental game, it is like announcing “checkmate” to a lack of motivation. Everyone struggles with motivation in their own way because we are all simply different. It is human to feel like you have hit a wall or fallen on the ground; you linger around that wall or on ...
READ MORE +Potential can take many forms and be applied to various paths in our lives; whether it’s training for a marathon, burning fat or simply staying balanced, happy and healthy on a day-to-day basis. Maximizing our potential on a good day can be tough enough as it is, and it’s even more of a challenge ...
READ MORE +Overtraining is a common problem amongst athletes and recreational sports people. Exercising can be addictive, with many people putting more stress on their body than it can handle, in the hope of achieving their athletic goals; many people will recognise the signs of overtraining. The importance ...
READ MORE +Nowadays, as the health and wellbeing industry continues to grow at an increasing rate, more and more people are looking for ways to develop their mental performance and cognitive abilities, to achieve more and improve their health. From mindfulness to NLP; athletes, business leaders and ...
READ MORE +One of the biggest factors in boosting our mood is feeling confident and having a sense of purpose. The way in which we perceive ourselves can either have a positive or negative impact on our wellbeing; affecting many aspects of our lives such as how we perform at work, deal with situations at home ...