Title: What Happened to You? Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing Authors: Dr Bruce Perry and Oprah Winfrey Year: 2021 Publisher: Bluebird “What happened to you?” is so important in understanding what’s going on with you now.” -Dr Perry We are living in the best moment in ...
READ MORE +Oprah Winfrey
We all have day jobs, or we are stay-at-home parents and we just don't have the time to focus on our health. Usually, we do not have the time because we have not made the time or have not realized how important it is to have good health. You must find the motivation to get into the gym and ...
READ MORE +At 37 years-old (in December 1996), neuroanatomist and Harvard Ph.D, Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor's life took a dramatic turn, in her words: “In the course of four hours, I watched my brain completely deteriorate in its ability to process all information. On the morning of the haemorrhage, (stroke) I ...