Custard apple is a tropical fruit, originally native to South America, however Australia has become one of its largest producers nowadays. There are 2 main types, Pinks Mammoth and African Pride that can easily be found around the world, both have a light green colour when ripe and easily ...
READ MORE +The modern day celery that we all know, originally formed from a wild celery that was native to the Mediterranean, where the seeds were used for their medicinal properties. The earliest mention of celery leaves dates back to the ninth century where it made an appearance in the Odyssey, by the ...
READ MORE +Our sweet but prickly pal the pineapple, a tropical plant and member of the Bromeliaceae family, is native to Paraguay, Brazil and potentially regions of the Caribbean. It was first brought to Europe subsequent to Columbus’ return in 1493. The name 'pineapple' matured in the 17th century thanks to ...
READ MORE +You may notice a bright green wedge of lime floating in your icy gin and tonic or notice the sprinkle of luminous green zest over your creamy key lime pie, but what you may not realise is the array of health benefits that the lime contains. From powerful vitamin C to digestive benefits, lime has a ...