Potatoes: Top 5 Health Benefits!

You will find them on your dinner table most nights, they accompany most meals, and they taste absolutely delicious. However, these days with a spike in the health and fitness industry, potatoes are becoming somewhat of a villain on our dinner plates. Over the years we have began to look at these ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Chaga!

Potentially the most powerful member of the fungi kingdom, the chaga mushroom or 'Inonotus obliquus', contains possibly the greatest medicinal properties of all herbs. It's a parasitic but also symbiotic fungus that grows primarily on birch trees in cool climates and has been used for its profound ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Watermelon!

With watermelon season nearly upon us, it’s time to acknowledge and share the numerous benefits of this incredible fruit. Known as 'Citrullus lanatus' from the Cucurbitaceae family and originating in the southern parts of Africa, over time, people have debated whether it is actually a fruit or ...

Carbohydrates the new dietary evil?

For a long time, dietary fat was deemed the enemy but in recent times it has become apparent that cutting down on fat has done very little for solving the obesity epidemic. This has led to people looking more closely at the role dietary fat plays in worsening our health and recently in 2010, a new ...

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