Title: 31-Day Wonder Posing Author: Frank Zane Year: 2019 Publisher: Zananda Incorporated Review If you’re a regular reader of Keep Fit Kingdom you may have seen our reviews of 91 Day Wonder Abs, 91 Day Wonder Body, and the 91 Day Peak Physique programme all written by the world-famous, 3 ...
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Your core is a lot more important than you probably give it credit for, yet it's abs-olutely (sorry, couldn't resist that) key in virtually every movement your physical body performs. It helps give you a solid posture, so you can for example, handle increasing amounts of weight in the gym, it helps ...
READ MORE +If you want to get 'whipped' into shape, there is no better place to start than a set of these ropes, but what are they? Battle Ropes are simply long ropes attached or wrapped around an anchor point and moved vigorously; they're used by a whole host of athletes and are so popular for a number of ...