Alcohol consumption is so normalized and even encouraged that it can be difficult for a person to notice when it is becoming a problem. If you’ve started to feel uncomfortable with your drinking habits, you’re doing the right thing by investigating. Heavy drinking can seriously impact your health ...
READ MORE +As many as eight in 10 women suffer what’s known as the baby blues, with around one in eight going on to struggle with postnatal depression. It’s one of the most common mental health problems in new mothers and is something that shouldn’t be masked, but rather sought help for. It can be a ...
READ MORE +Osteoporosis is the 'silent thief' bone disease which severely affects the structure and integrity of the bones. In the UK it affects over 3 million people, with its incidence increasing in older age (women are more at risk than men, especially if menopause begins early). It is characterised by an ...
READ MORE +Another of the major league medicinal mushrooms, reishi or 'Ganoderma lucidum', is native to several regions across Asia, such as Korea, China and Japan and can currently be found growing on hardwood trees worldwide in tropical and subtropical climates. "Reishi" is the Japanese word for this ...