Search results for: Treadmill
5 Top Keys To Mindfulness!

From our last article you’ll know that being mindful is about being aware of your inner thoughts, not ignoring your feelings and being present in the moment. But how can you actually start being mindful?  5 Top Keys To Mindfulness!  says it's all about mentally slowing down in this stressful, busy ...

Why Women Should Lift!

In this article, Why Women Should Lift, we make it easy to understand why women need never fear lifting weights ever again! Many women take regularly to the gym with the goal of losing weight or more specifically, losing fat. On a mission to reach their goals, some spend hours repetitively ...

Barry’s Bootcamp

For country bumpkins like me a ‘bootcamp’ still means getting up at the crack of dawn, heading outside, rain or shine, to swing a kettlebell, perform endless burpees and get shouted at like we’re in the army! Here in this review of Barry's Bootcamp I describe what it was like trying out a world ...

Top 10 Pre-Workout Snacks

There is a reason we've called this: Top 10 Pre-Workout Snacks instead of ‘meals’ because before you work out you only need something small to give you enough energy. If it's something big, it'll prevent you from burning fat. If you eat a high carbohydrate snack before you hit the gym it'll give ...

Choosing Quality Exercise Equipment

It seems like almost every time you turn on the TV these days, there is an advert for some kind of gym, health club membership or exercise equipment. The latest and greatest treadmill or best all in one machines are advertised frequently. And why not? The simple fact is that people 'love' being ...

Keep Fit Kingdom
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