Search results for: Weight Training
10 Deadlift Benefits and Tips

The deadlift is an excellent exercise for strength and muscle gains. Here we look at 10 Benefits and Tips for Deadlifts and why you should incorporate them into your own training! 1) There are many variations of the deadlift which can be used to suit an individual’s goals, build, age, gender, ...

Top 5 Back Exercises!

The back or posterior of our body is made up of a multitude of muscles including the posterior deltoid and rotator cuff muscles which form part of the shoulder and are responsible for pulling movements. With there being so many muscles, there are also as many possible exercises to develop those ...

Top 5 Best Must Do Leg Exercises!

Legs are often a neglected muscle group but they comprise over half of your body so it's a good idea to pay yours due respect. Here are our Top 5 best must do leg exercises to hit those naturally powerful quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteal and calf muscles of yours! 1. Squats They can either be ...

10 Benefits and Tips for Squats

Barbell squats are without question the king of all leg exercises, they're highly productive with a long list of strength and health benefits. Here is a list of 10 Benefits and Tips for Squats combined with informative training facts about this powerful exercise. 1) Squats aren't just for ...

8 Top Fat Burning Keys!

There are strategies that can enhance the body’s ability to burn fat. They should be carefully experimented with. Read on and we'll give you 8 top fat burning keys, nutritional strategies that have all demonstrated an influence on oxidation (fat burning). There are two terms that are used to ...

Top 10 Post-Workout Meals

Now we come to our Top 10 Post-Workout Meals. From our previous post you’ll know that having a snack rather than a meal before your workout is ideal. So you probably gather that after your workout you really need to re-fuel your body’s depleted energy stores and have a full on meal!  Aim to have ...

Top 10 Pre-Workout Snacks

There is a reason we've called this: Top 10 Pre-Workout Snacks instead of ‘meals’ because before you work out you only need something small to give you enough energy. If it's something big, it'll prevent you from burning fat. If you eat a high carbohydrate snack before you hit the gym it'll give ...

Top 10 Ways to get Lean!

So, we're already midway past the second month of the year -are you keeping to your fitness goals, more importantly, did you actually set any? Becoming aware that you want to be more physically capable with energy to spare whilst getting the most out of your day is the first step, regularly ...

Top 6 Ways to Combat Jet Lag

No matter what the level of your training be it professional, recreational or simply to keep fit, you may notice that you train better or worse at different times of the day. If you compete at a serious level, long distance travelling to training or competitions can sometimes prove to be an extra ...

Lean in 15

Title: Lean in 15: 15 Minute Meals and Workouts to keep you Lean and Healthy Author: Joe Wicks Year: 2015 Publisher: Bluebird Synopsis: “Lean in 15” became the fastest debut selling cookbook in the UK, selling 77,000 copies in the first week. Joe Wicks shot to fame in a matter of months ...

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