Search results for: vegan
5 Excellent Non-Meat High-Protein Foods!

Attempting to tackle Veganuary? Perhaps you’re starting a New Year, new you detox or cleanse, or maybe you’ve got a few awkward pounds to shift after overindulging in Christmas goodies. Well, eating more protein is one of the best ways to feel more energised, less hungry and even happier! Protein ...

Top 5 Foods to Combat DOMS!

Happy New Year! If you've made any New Year's fitness resolutions, then knowing about this will help...Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (aka ‘DOMS’) comes hand in hand with going to the gym or training your muscles thoroughly. Whilst it’s a good sign you’ve worked hard, it can be a frustrating thing ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Red Kidney Beans!

True to their name, these popular kidney-shaped beans come in both dried and canned forms. Well known for being a key ingredient in chilli con carne, kidney beans are especially good in simmered dishes, absorbing the flavours of seasonings and the other foods with which they are cooked. One cup of ...

6 Top Places to Eat Clean when Eating Out!

If you are watching what you eat, whether you are on a diet or just simply eating clean, you might be reluctant to eat out. The fear of ‘cheating’ might be so severe that you’re willing to sit at home whilst your friends are out enjoying themselves. However, there are a vast variety of chains out ...

5 Top Ideal Food Pairings!

I love cooking! It’s a chance to unwind and get creative. Luckily for my friends and family, the human digestive system is an amazing thing and can deal with pretty much any food combination I throw together. In fact, there are certain foods that are more nutritionally beneficial when eaten ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Perilla!

Perilla (aka, shiso, beefsteak plant, Chinese basil and purple mint) originally came from China until migrating to Japan in the 8th century, Perilla quickly became one of the essential spices to the Asian palate. Before being used in cooking, it was originally used as fuel for oil lamps, but this ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Chickpeas!

Chickpeas, aka garbanzo beans, belong to the legume family and are among the most easily digested thanks to their thin shell. You probably know that your beloved hummus (or houmous) is made from chickpeas, but did you know that they were used as an alternative to coffee in the 18th century? They've ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Coriander!

Used by Hippocrates in ancient Greece and introduced to the UK in the late Bronze Age, Coriander has become one of the bestselling herbs however, while they are regarded as one of the most popular, not many people know what this fantastic herb can really do for them. Curious? Then read on to ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Edamame Beans!

Edamame beans are young, immature soybeans (also known as 'Glycine max') that are harvested prior to the bean's natural hardening process. These beans have a green colour differing from the soybean's light brown. The bean is believed to have been domesticated from its wild relative, 'Glycine soja', ...

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