Search results for: cheese
Cottage Cheese: Top 5 Health Benefits

Low in calories and fat compared to other cheeses, cottage cheese is often recommended for weight loss. Made from cow’s milk, it has a soft, almost creamy texture. Its mild flavour comes from the production process as it doesn't go through an ageing phase and therefore, does not develop a strong ...

Top 5 Vegan Cheesecake Recipes!

My love of cheesecake was something I regretfully bade farewell to when I began my vegan journey two years ago. However, despite operating under an undeniable oxymoron, it didn't take me long to discover a wealth of delicious vegan 'cheesecake' recipes! Most use either raw cashews or tofu as a ...

Top 5 Two-Ingredient Pancake Recipes!

Who doesn't absolutely love a pancake or two? They're a classic breakfast staple that are delicious and super-easy to make. But sometimes, you don't feel like going through the trouble of pulling out a bunch of ingredients and measuring everything out! That's where 2-ingredient pancakes come in. ...

SIBO: 5 Tasty Recipes to Help You Deal With It

There is no doubt about it, a SIBO (Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) diet is a must regardless of how bad or mild your symptoms are. Furthermore, a healthy diet is a good chance to reconnect with your body, as you get to learn more about it and its needs. SIBO happens when there is an ...

Healthy Teeth: 8 Foods You Should Eat

Having good oral hygiene is essential for overall health and well-being. But did you know that the foods we eat can have an impact on the strength, whiteness, and even odor of our teeth? Eating the right foods can help strengthen our teeth and promote healthy gums. Here's what to eat for healthy ...

Risotto: 3 Reasons Why You Should Eat It

There is no doubt rice is one of the most versatile and practical ingredients when it comes to cooking. But no matter how many ways there are to prepare it, my favourite one is making the Italian classic, risotto. Why is Risotto the Preferred Option? ...

7 Best Foods to Eat to Maintain Muscle Mass

Maintaining muscle mass is important for everyone, regardless of age or activity level. Unfortunately, many people don’t know the best way to maintain their muscle mass. In this blog post, we will discuss the best food to eat to maintain muscle mass. It’s also worth mentioning that Power Supps ...

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