Browsing Archive August, 2018
Living with Intention

Yoga is in the top 10 complementary and alternative approaches for therapy used by adults. It has been shown to reduce stress, depression and anxiety and has been proven to improve physical fitness, strength and flexibility. As Inger Burnett-Zeigler in the video below states; 21 million people in ...

5 Great Exercises Named After Powerlifters

We’ve recently featured some exercises which are named after strongmen and bodybuilders. Today we have another selection of great exercises for you, this time they're movements named after legends from the exciting sport of powerlifting. Give them a try in your own routines and let's get you ...

Should You Eat Eggshells?

Have you ever wondered whether you could eat the shells of eggs or reuse them instead of throwing them in the bin? We all undoubtedly know what an eggshell looks like but do we actually know what it's made of? Eggshells mainly consist of calcium carbonate (95%, 40% of which is absorbable by the ...

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