Top 5 Health Benefits of Tamarind!

Tamarind is a sticky, fleshy, pulpy fruit with a sweet and tangy taste that grows within brown pods. It’s been a widely used spice-condiment staple in the South-Asian kitchen for thousands of years. However, the fruit is not only used for culinary purposes, but also for medical ones thanks to its ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Kola Nuts!

The kola nut is a seed from a tree of the Sterculiaceae family, with the most prominent species being Cola Vera, Cola acuminata and Cola nitida. This tree is believed to be the first tree on Earth by certain Nigerian tribes. If you feel as though you've never heard of this valuable seed, you may be ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Custard Apple!

Custard apple is a tropical fruit, originally native to South America, however Australia has become one of its largest producers nowadays. There are 2 main types, Pinks Mammoth and African Pride that can easily be found around the world, both have a light green colour when ripe and easily ...

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