Ronnie Coleman
Bodybuilding Legends – Francis Benfatto

Lifting weights all your life can take its toll on your body. Not for the ageless Frenchman, Francis Benfatto though. Now 63 years of age, he is still sculpting his body and has a tremendous physique that looks at least twenty years younger. Like bodybuilding legends Frank Zane and Bob Paris, the ...

Bodybuilding Legends – Flex Wheeler

Many believe bodybuilding comes down to hardwork and genetics, with the latter often outranking any amount of blood and sweat shed in the gym. With genetics determining trophy-winning attributes like symmetry, the debate over who has the best genes often starts and ends with Kenneth ‘Flex’ Wheeler ...

Bodybuilding Legends – Lee Haney

Ask a person to name their top three bodybuilders and they will probably mention GOATs like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ronnie Coleman or Dorian Yates. However, whilst those three are notable in their own right, only Ronnie can claim the same crown as Lee Haney – winning 8 consecutive Olympias; but ...

Ronnie Coleman: The King (2018)

"Ronnie Coleman: The King" (2018) is a more focused entry from Vlad Yudin, this film benefits from the singular, but immensely fascinating exploration of Ronnie Coleman’s life and career as a bodybuilder. For those (like me) who were born too early to appreciate Coleman’s lengthy reign as Mr ...

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