It’s the most booze-ful time of the year! Let’s face it, with impending lockdowns and cancelled festivities, we can all be tempted to reach for the bottle a little more often than we did pre-Pandemic. In fact, during the first week of the pandemic, alcohol sales went up 54%. And in general, alcohol ...
READ MORE +An incredibly common condition, one in every ten women of childbearing age is affected with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (aka PCOS). Shockingly, almost 7 out of 10 women affected go undiagnosed. PCOS is not a disease, it’s an endocrine and metabolic disorder that affects the body, but not everyone ...
READ MORE +You might not have heard of shatavari, or maybe you have but it got lost in the muddle of other supplements we’re told are 'absolutely essential' on a daily basis. But bear with us, because shatavari is a supplement worth considering, and we’re not just saying that because of its sassy name, ...
READ MORE +The kola nut is a seed from a tree of the Sterculiaceae family, with the most prominent species being Cola Vera, Cola acuminata and Cola nitida. This tree is believed to be the first tree on Earth by certain Nigerian tribes. If you feel as though you've never heard of this valuable seed, you may be ...