Insomnia, or the inability to fall or stay asleep, has become a pressing concern in Spain. Recent statistics reveal that about 35% of Spaniards experience occasional insomnia, while 10-15% suffer from chronic sleep issues, impacting their overall quality of life. This sleep epidemic has social ...
READ MORE +Raj Khedun, the founder of Keep Fit Kingdom, is an enthusiast for all things wellness-related and has dedicated his life to helping others reach their own health and fitness goals. His responsibilities include researching, writing, and publishing information on a countless variety of health-related ...
READ MORE +Going to the gym can be intimidating, especially as a new member or a beginner level athlete. With all the different equipment, machines, and people around, it can be hard to know where to start or how to progress. That’s where training zones come in. Not only do they provide a clear structure ...
READ MORE +"Limitless" is a National Geographic and Disney+ original series created by Darren Aronofsky, in which the Hollywood movie star Chris Hemsworth, explores the idea of combating ageing and discovering the full potential of the human body. Utilizing new scientific research guided by scientists, ...
READ MORE +CHRIS HEMSWORTH as THOR is pretty LIMITLESS, but would you dare to explore YOUR SUPERHERO POTENTIAL and defeat aging? Our lucky Keep Fit Kingdom intern, NATALIA BEDNARZ meets the MCU legend at the NYC premiere of the 6-episode NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC documentary OUT NOW via Disney Plus! (Rating: ...