Title: Trauma: The Invisible Epidemic: How Trauma Works and How We Can Heal From It Author: Paul Conti, MD / Foreword by Lady Gaga Year: 2022 Publisher: Vermilion Society should conceptualize trauma as an out-of-control epidemic with a potentially fatal prognosis. -Paul Conti, MD. What do you ...
READ MORE +Title: When the Body Says No: The Cost of Hidden Stress Author: Gabor Maté Year: 2019 Publisher: Vermilion "Can a person literally die of loneliness? Is there a connection between the ability to express emotions and Alzheimer’s disease? Is there such a thing as a cancer personality?" Review ...
READ MORE +This past fall, I found myself a victim of violent crime. Truly, my worst nightmare had been realized. Trauma is defined as a deeply distressing or disturbing experience. Dr. Gabor Mate is a retired physician, whose life’s work has become helping people work through trauma and discover the wisdom ...
READ MORE +Dr Jeff Rediger, just as you might, has always wondered, why, in the face of illness, some people recover, and get better, and others don't? Is it something we can consciously, actually do something about? In the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic, massive waves of change are now on the health ...