Search results for: beans
Is Paleo The Way To Go?

‘If a caveman couldn’t eat it neither can you’ - this is the principle that forms the basis of this new health craze that seems to be taking the world by storm.  The Paleo Diet has fanatics raving about its health benefits - but is this hunter-gatherer concept actually healthy, or just the latest ...

5 Foods IBS Sufferers Should Avoid!

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS for short, can be an embarrassing and often crippling gut disorder. It’s more common for those under the age of 45 and strikes twice as many women than it does men. There is neither a known cause nor cure and symptoms vary between sufferers. The most common ailments ...

5 Top Vegan Protein Sources!

As a general rule, we have always relied on meat as our main source of protein but recently people are beginning to explore different diets and seeking out new ways to pump up on their protein intake. You may be joining the vegan movement, or you could simply want to get more gains from grains, ...

5 Top Vegan Athletes!

More and more professional athletes from around the world are making the transition to a plant-based diet. Most people would assume athletes have to have a strict, high protein, meat-based dietary programme in order to maintain their intensive workout routines. So why are they making the change and ...

Garbanzo Dry Roasted Chickpeas

‘Stay Fuller for Longer’ is Garbanzo’s motto because chickpeas do exactly that and are much better for you than most other snacks like chocolate bars and biscuits that can leave you feeling hungry. Garbanzo Dry Roasted Chickpeas are a great source of protein and fibre, and these snack packs can be ...

5 Top Vitamins for Optimum Health!

Do you sometimes get that icky, yucky, unhealthy feeling because you know you could be eating much healthier than you are presently? Not quite sure where to start when it comes to eating right and making sure you get those all important vitamins in?  Well, get your pen and paper ready, because ...

5 Top Foods to Ensure Healthy Feet!

Generally when discussing the benefits of optimum nutrition; improvements to cardiovascular health, sports performance or inches off the waistline are often highlighted. However, did you ever think how adopting these changes can also improve the health of your feet? Well read on for our 5 Top Foods ...

Why Omega-3’s Are Good For You!

You've probably heard about these at some point over the last few years and the basic idea is that the human body requires essential fatty acids for maintaining good health. It can make most types of fats with the exception of Omega-3 fatty acids. Since the body doesn't make them you must get them ...

Top 10 Foods for Good Gut Health!

Our gut isn’t given enough credit for the vital role it plays in our overall health and wellbeing. It’s not just food that affects it but also stress and anxiety as well. This is why it’s important we look after it not to mention the 1,000 types of bacteria that it houses, in order to help our body ...

Top 10 Post-Workout Meals

Now we come to our Top 10 Post-Workout Meals. From our previous post you’ll know that having a snack rather than a meal before your workout is ideal. So you probably gather that after your workout you really need to re-fuel your body’s depleted energy stores and have a full on meal!  Aim to have ...

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