7 Minutes 2 Bliss: Metaverse Breathing Method

7 Minutes 2 Bliss: Metaverse Breathing Method KEEP FIT KINGDOM

In this modern, fast pace of life do you find yourself experiencing too much stress, worry and anxiety?

Well rest easy, we can help you put that on hold right now and reduce stress and anxiety by 60% or more in less than 3 minutes!

Our special metaverse breathing method, the 7 Minutes 2 Bliss, has been developed by experts over a number of years, and works almost like magic to take you in just 3 Minutes to Peace, in 5 Minutes to Joy, and, in 7 Minutes to Bliss.

In other words,

…Go from THIS…

…to THIS …guaranteed!

Top flight psychotherapists, breath coaches, wellness experts and people are saying it’s quicker, easier, and even more effective than the renowned Wim Hof Method! Jason Prall (producer of the acclaimed health and wellness docuseries, “Human Longevity Project”) was also highly surprised saying:

“After just 1 minute, of doing the 7 Minutes 2 Bliss method, I felt more centered, present, relaxed, alert, still, and grounded. I noticed a dramatic quieting of the monkey-mind and softening of the emotional body.”



  • Quickly and Dramatically Reduces Stress and Anxiety from First Try
  • Calms Moods Efficiently
  • Encourages a Positive Frame of Mind
  • Simple and Easy to Do at Anytime of the Day or Night
  • Suitable for Adults, Children and Pregnant Mothers

All you have to do is follow the simple, step-by-step instructions from one of our specialist coaches who will guide you to experience the best results.

In the very session itself, you’ll begin to feel peaceful, calm, happy, and serene, and you’ll also know how to do it yourself, at any time of the day or night…

You’ll be surprised at what it does for you, so don’t delay, book your personal, 1-1 session today, simply fill in the form below and complete your order!

Fill in the details:

    Price: $49 per session


    Keep Fit Kingdom